Sunday 1 September 2013

Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center.

Wow, what a quote that title is. Comment if you know.

(The 'Aperture Science' part gives it away a little)

So, That game is quite old now, I mean 6 Years. That is quite a long time in this whole technology world but who cares, it's still one of the best games around. And it features one of the main things I like in a game, Easter Eggs.

I don't know what it is about them, they just make me over excited and happy, like some kind of Secret, but Non-Secret Agent hunting down some kind of sly criminal. Everybody knows them, due to the internet and all of the overly-priced Prima Guides you can pick up in one those old gaming shops.

I love the thought of some developers sneaking in some silly object behind a wall or a hidden car when you go to a certain place at a certain time. Especially when the Easter egg is hinting to some sort of sequel which will spark a series of games to come.

So tell me what you think, what's your favourite Easter egg? What is your favourite feature in a Game...

Tell me below


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